Author Archives: henneke-admin

What is Electrofishing?

What is Electrofishing?

There are many different techniques that are used for the purpose of studying fish. One of these techniques is called electrofishing. As you might guess by looking at its name, electrofishing involves using electricity in order to catch fish so that they can be studied by biologists and those who work in fisheries across the… Continue Reading

The Health Benefits of Eating Fish

Fish has been called “brain food.” Why is that? Well, your brain is made up of several things, including fats. Specifically, the fats in the brain are omega-3 with DHA, which is something found in… fish! Did you know that omega-3 fats are so important to early brain development that now they’re in baby milk… Continue Reading

What is a Fish Hatchery?

According to everyone’s favorite online encyclopedia (Wikipedia), a fish hatchery is a “place for artificial breeding, hatching and rearing through the early life stages of animals, finfish and shellfish in particular.” So, in other words, it’s like an incubator/nursery for young fish. It’s a place where people can watch over the development of young fish… Continue Reading

How Fishing Ponds Help the Environment

Fishing ponds are beneficial to the environment. They act as natural reservoirs, conserving water while offering a self-sustaining cycle of hydration keeping plants alive in them and nearby. Meanwhile, ponds take up space in a good way– unlike grass, they don’t need to be mowed. Gas-powered mowers create air pollution, so having a pond on… Continue Reading
